Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Visiting the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant

Bataan Nuclear Power Plant

Yes, you can visit the Power Plant but make sure to be with tourist guides organizer group like the Greenpeace Philippines and Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement The trip was cheap that covers the guided tour, entrance fees, bus fare, lunch, though sans the refreshments in between.  But nonetheless, it was worth the P500 trip.  Apparently, the Eco-tour was subsidized by the two institutions. I'm not sure if the group or company is still existing but you can still search on facebook if incase and if you want to see the source you can also check it out here below link:

Another website that I can recommend you to read because this is more latest than on the top

One of the best sources that I can recommend you also is, oh! anyway, it's not a blog it a source of many people who contributed their own ideas and thought that I make sure you can read everything that you need (info)

Good luck on your first time trip.

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